ARPA 6.1

Updates -January 16, 2024

We have had a few questions and subsequent conversations with the State Controller's Office and others. Here are updates:

  • Supplanting vs. Supplementing
    For 6.1 this will not be an issue since it is Provision of Government Services, Revenue Replacement. This is only true for the Expenditure Category 6.1
  • Contractors:
    All LPHAs with a contractor line item, need to send OPHP a signed Subrecipient vs Contractor form. Note -We have a form template, but are modifying it for LPHAs. More to come soon.
  • Revenue Replacement:
    The use of Expenditure Category 6.1 in this case is for State-level replacement of lost revenue, and NOT for local-level replacement of lost revenue.  If there are concerns that this might count against the local-level calculation for SLFRF revenue replacement, it does not.


New Funding Announcement Language from May 5, 2023 Email to LPHAs:

  • "New FY24 Funding source, SLFRF: There is a new update. The Joint Budget Commission designated the $10 million additional funding to LPHAs from SB 21-243 to come from ARPA's State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF).  It will not, however, be the same as prior ARPA/SLFRF funding that came from OPHP. There will not be expenditure categories to select from and it will not be COVID-19 related. This funding will be coming from Expenditure Category 6.1, which is Revenue Replacement: Provision of Government Services. We are currently examining what this funding will require. It will definitely be a separate contract from the Local Planning and Support funding, but it will be similar in scope and the types of things that it can fund. This contract will not be in place by July 1st. We are hoping that it is relatively seamless from the program/fiscal side."


SOW Project Description:

  • "This project serves to support Local Public Health Agencies (LPHAs) to maintain a strong public health
    system across Colorado. Local public health agencies are essential to the provision of quality and
    comprehensive public health services throughout the state and are critical partners with the Colorado
    Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) in maintaining a strong public health system.
    Each local public health agency shall assure the provision of Core Public Health Services. The scope of
    the provision of each Core Public Health Service is determined at the local level, and may differ across
    agencies based on community needs, priorities, funding and capacity. The local public health agencies
    are accountable in assuring funding is being used effectively to provide Core Public Health Services. The
    Office of Public Health Practice, Planning, and Local Partnerships (OPHP) will monitor LPHA’s efforts
    via progress reports and programmatic communications."

American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funding:

  • Spending Category 6.1
  • State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (SLFRF) Contract Type
  • Funding end date: 6/30/2024
  • Original award announcement sent 5/5/2023.
  • Award amounts changed in 9/2023 due to CDPHE budget correction needed, new award announcements sent 9/18/2023.
  • Payment structure: standard reimbursement invoicing

