Welcome to the ED page. Here you will find resources on training for new executive directors, mentoring support, ways to connect with other EDs and tools to support your boards of health members.
Upcoming training opportunities for Executive Directors
ED Learning Sessions
Join your Executive Director peers every other month for learning sessions highlighting topics most relevant to your jobs and organizations. Sessions will be held every other month on Wednesday mornings at 9am for 1 hour. You can register for this year's learning sessions here.
- Wednesday February 26th: Overview of CDPHE Data Resources. Alison Grace Bui, Surveillance Epidemiologist, with the Health Statistics and Evaluation Branch will provide an overview of CDPHE data resources, and how to find and access your local data.
- Wednesday April 23rd: Topic & speaker TBD
- Wednesday June 25th: Topic & speaker TBD
- Wednesday August 20th: Topic & speaker TBD
- Wednesday October 22nd: Topic & speaker TBD
- Wednesday December 17th: Topic & speaker TBD
ED Training Resources
The Executive Director Learning Pathways (EDLP) initiative is a response to requests to consolidate and organize workforce development training for Colorado’s LPHA staff through the Office of Public Health Practice, Planning, and Local Partnerships (OPHP).

The Executive Director will receive a link to a Learning Needs Survey, which will guide the Training Team in the creation of a personalized learning plan. A Training Team member will have a conversation about the survey results and recommended learning plan with the Executive Director, adapting as needed to ensure the most impactful learning.
The Learning Plan will guide the participant through the recommended training in CO TRAIN, accompanied by support materials for using this learning management system (LMS).
COTRAIN is a free online training platform, which is part of a national public health training platform called TRAIN. If you would like to learn more about how to use CO TRAIN, please refer to these short TRAIN tutorial videos.
The Training Team is available at ophp@state.co.us for ongoing support with any issues you may encounter as you make your way through the Learning Pathway.
How Will This Help You in Your Work?
Extensive research and planning has been done to be sure the Learning Pathways content will offer relevant and role-specific learning opportunities for busy public health Executive Directors. Our Executive Director Learning Pathways Advisory Group continues to provide feedback and assessment to ensure needs are being met.
- Benefits of mentoring
- Why should I become a guiding partner? Review the Benefits of Becoming a Guiding Partner
- Network Groups - Join the LPHA Executive Directors group for networking, questions, conversations, and support.
- How will this support my work? This program provides new and experienced LPHA executive directors the opportunity to form supportive peer relationships for a variety of purposes, including skill development, confidence building, networking, effective agency leadership, and it also supports retention efforts.
- Sign up for the Office of Public Health Practice, Planning and Local Partnerships' Monthly Newsletter. Each month, you'll find a link to our mentoring-specific newsletter, The Oracle. Check out The Oracle regularly for news and updates related to Athena and peer mentoring!
- Want to read previous issues? View our archived OPHP monthly newsletters here. The Oracle's first edition was linked in the July 2023 newsletter and has been linked in every monthly newsletter since!
Please visit the Board of Health page to learn about options for your board to complete the training.
Board of Health completion tracking dashboard tool
- Use the dashboard below to see which board of health members have completed the training for your agency. Click on your county to view your board of health training status and use the drop down to toggle between years. If no names populate below the map, then no board of health members have taken the training for that given year.
- Please note that the dashboard is updated weekly on Mondays. If you don't see your name on the dashboard yet, check back next week!
- Take the Welcome to Your New Executive Director Role: Steps to Get Started course. This course highlights resources and supports the Office of Public Health Practice, Planning and Local Partnerships at CDPHE has to offer new LPHA executive directors as they navigate their new role
- View the LPHA Training Dashboard. Using this dashboard, you can access ready-made, topic-specific training lists and toolkits. You can also create your own custom course list to fit your individual needs and interests using the "Custom Course List Builder" feature.
- Are you interested in enhancing your leadership skills? The following document represents a broad collection of in-person and self- paced leadership training opportunities including communities of practice, learning cohorts, and asynchronous programs with various time commitment and costs to meet different learning needs.