Annual Training for State & Local Board of Health Members in Colorado
Annual Training Requirements
Training for both local and state Boards of Health members is mandated by State Statute C.R.S. 25-1-508, which states that:
(7) Members of a county board of health or a district board of health, and the members of the state board of health shall attend both:
(a) Annual public health training provided by the department of public health and environment and developed by the department of public health and environment along with the Colorado school of public health; and
(b) Annual public health training developed and provided by the department of public health and environment and the director of the office of emergency management created in section 24-33.5-705 concerning the role of a board of health in preparing for, responding to, and recovering from an emergency disaster.
About the Annual Training
The 90-minute, 2025 board of health training is designed to help board members do their job according to best practices for our state & in compliance with state statute. The training features discussions, tools & videos of local Colorado Board of Health members discussing their work. For more information about the training, please consult our CO Boards of Health Member 2025 Training Overview.
Upon training completion, Board of Health members will be emailed a certificate of completion by our office. Please retain this evidence of completion for your records.
Options for Annual Training Completion
Boards of Health should include an agenda item in one or more of their regular Board meetings to determine which option the board will use to complete the training requirements. Consider including the 2025 Colorado Boards of Health Member Annual Training Options handout in the Board’s meeting packet.
Boards can select from among 4 options for completing the annual training. Executive directors and board administrators should inform OPHP about the option their board selects for completion of their training requirement. Options include:

Individually, take the computer-based, asynchronous training on CoTrain. Individuals set up a CoTrain account, then log on to the CoTrain learning platform. Steps to complete this option:
- If you do not already have an account, set up a CoTrain account or fill out this form to have one set up for you.
- Start at the Colorado Board of Health 2025 Training Plan, searchable as training plan 8197.
- Take the following courses, returning to the training plan page following the completion of each course:
- 2025 Board of Health Members Statewide Training Introduction course, then return to the.
- Your choice of one of the Public Health Governance Courses.
- Your choice of one of the Emergency Management Courses.
- Complete the 2025 Board of Health Training: Your Feedback survey. You should receive a certificate soon after your completion is registered with our office.

Individually, participate in one of OPHP’s prescheduled live training sessions. Live training sessions are offered throughout the year, some in-person & others over Zoom. If you participate in one of these sessions, you will have the opportunity to engage with & learn from board members from other counties. To register, please select one of the following dates:
- Monday, Mar 10, 2025 from 5 PM to 6:30 PM via Zoom
- Thursday, Apr 10, 2025 from 11 AM to 12:30 PM via Zoom
- Wednesday, May 21 from 7:30 AM to 9 AM via Zoom
- Friday, Sept. 12, 2025 from 10:30 AM to 1 PM, in person at CDPHE Offices in Glendale, Colorado
- Tuesday, Nov. 18 from 11 AM to 12:30 PM via Zoom
- Wednesday, Dec. 10 from 5 PM to 6:30 PM via Zoom

As a group, take the CoTrain training together, facilitated by your agency’s staff. The computer-based CoTrain training can be projected on a screen & taken together as a group, facilitated by your executive director or other staff. The board can take the training in three 30-minute sessions or all at ones. This option provides an opportunity for board members to engage in group discussions related to their agency. For this option:
- The agency executive director, board administrator, or other LPHA staff member should email with the names of board members who will participate in the group training.
- In reply, OPHP will provide a link for each participant to complete to receive credit for the training and a certificate, along with a links to handouts that may be used as part of the training.

As a group, host a live training during a study session or retreat, facilitated by OPHP. A 90-minute training can be presented by CDPHE staff, over Zoom, with time for discussion included. Please email for more information about this option. The training can be scheduled at a time convenient for your board and can be customized to meet the needs of individual boards. Please email to discuss this option with OPHP staff members.
For public health professionals serving as a Board of Health member in their community or on the State Board of Health, a current Certification in Public Health (CPH) credential, or earning the credential during the year, meets and surpasses the state training requirements described above. As part of maintaining a CPH credential, Board of Health members can select continuing education that may or may not include annual CDPHE Board of Health Trainings, depending on the board members preferences. For Board members using the CPH option, please:
- Provide our office with the CPH number; and,
- Take emergency management as a portion of their continuing education requirement for maintaining their CDP.
A Board of Health Advisory group provides input on board of health training requirements and topics. If you are a board of health member interested in joining the advisory group, please email: We are always open to new members.
- National Association of Local Boards of Health (NALBOH)
- Colorado Association of Local Public Health Officials (CALPHO)
- American Public Health Association
- Colorado Public Health Association
The Colorado Health Information Dataset (CoHID) provides access to state and local-level data and resources compiled by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment to help understand health and related issues affecting people in Colorado.
Emergency Management & Response:
- Emergency preparedness and Response CDPHE
- Colorado Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Response (CDHSEM)
- Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Emergency Preparedness and Response
- FEMA Emergency Management Institute
Statutes & Regulations: