Core Public Health Services and Capabilities

Rectangular graphic showing the five foundational public health services across the top of the rectangle with coresponding icons and the seven foundational public health capabilities in the bottom half of the rectangle with corresponding icons


In 2008, the Colorado Public Health Act required the State Board of Health to establish, by rule, the core public health services that each county and district public health agency must provide or ensure, as well as establish minimum quality standards for those public health services. Effective January 1, 2020, revised state statute now requires state and local health departments in Colorado to ensure provision of seven Foundational Capabilities and five Foundational Services, which are listed below. You can read about the new Foundational Public Health Services and Capabilities in 6 CCR 1014-7 Core Public Health Services revised statute. 


Linked Resources: 


Explore Capabilities and Services

Foundational Capabilities

Foundational Capabilities are the cross-cutting capacities and expertise needed to support foundational services and any public health program.


Colorado Foundational Public Health Capabilities

Assessment and Planning


Policy Development and Support


Organizational Competencies

Emergency Preparedness and Response

Health Equity and the Social Determinants of Health