LPHA Funding

Click the link below for a list of all the deliverables associated to OPHP funding sources:

Monthly Office Hours:

Document Submissions:

OPHP Funding Communication Policy:

  • To request a change in a funding type point of contact please complete the OPHP Funding Contact Update Request google form here.
  • All new funding announcements will be sent only to Executive Directors first.
  • All ongoing funding communication will be sent to the requested fiscal points of contact. If you require a contact update or have funding questions, please contact OPHP at ophp@state.co.us.

OPHP Funding Check Memos Naming Standard:

  • OPHP - LPHA "Name of Funding" - (Payment #) of (# of total payments)
  • Example: "OPHP - LPHA CDC Infrastructure - Payment 1 of 17"

Click the links below for information on funding & resources available to LPHAs: