Public Health Infrastructure Grant (PHIG)
- This funding was awarded to CDPHE in December 2022 by the CDC.
- The focus of this funding is to support the Public Health Workforce.
- This funding is formula funded. The same formula for Local Planning and Support Dollar (state general funds) was implemented.
- The Contract Performance Beginning Date is July 1, 2023, unless signed after 7/1/2023.
- This funding must be spent by November 30, 2027.
- Amendments to adjust the workplan and budget due dates and the budget language were sent out 10/2023.
- This funding will be reimbursed by a quarterly payment schedule, see set payment schedule below.
- Invoices will NOT be required for this funding. Please see the Post Award Meeting for more details.
- This is a deliverable based payment structure. In order to adjust the payment schedule a revised budget will need to be approved.
Meeting Materials:
- OPHP CDC Infrastructure Payment Schedule FY23-27
- Appendix 1 Sample Activities
- CDC Infrastructure Allowability Roadmap
- CDC Infrastructure SOW
- Budget Preparation Guidelines
- CDC Infrastructure Budget Template
- CDC Infrastructure Workplan Template
- Budget & Workplan (Due September 29, 2023)
- Progress Reports (Due quarterly, first of February, May, August, and November)
- Final progress report (Due no later than 60 days after all funds were spent, and no later than Nov. 30, 2027)
- Use Progress Report Linked Above